For acute care, ambulatory care, residential care administrators, or design teams, the Creation Infra credential provides assurance that the interior designers you work with have the knowledge and experience to creatively innovate and address the challenges of the healthcare environment.
Certified Healthcare Interior Designers help enhance the health, quality, and safety of your patients, staff, and visitors.
We control the financial risk on our projects to help clients manage their building budgets and make well informed decisions.A Senior Architect is involved at every stage of every project to ensure that the design doesn't get 'diluted' during construction.
We prefer to work with you until the house is complete, rather than simply drawing plans, as the success of our design is realized in the detail of construction. We hope the above gives you the confidence to consider contacting us about your project. We will happily discuss your requirements with you and, if we feel we can help, will arrange to come and see you.
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